
Friday, 14 July 2017

Winter Learning Journey: Day 6 Activity 2

Task(Activity 2): Read about the Matariki festival at Te Papa. There are so many different things to see and do at the festival this year. On your blog, tell us about three of the events. You can choose any three events that you wish.

The 3 events I choose was:

3 things events I want to try (1).jpg

1 comment:

  1. Hi Saveu,

    Thank you for sharing your review about the Matariki festival. Have you ever been to the festival before? I'm planning to take my daughter Shonny to the next one but unfortunately I do not have information about it. Did you find any interesting facts about the Lantern making, Star weave Jam and the Matariki dawn? I would love to know more about it before going to the Matariki festival.

    I look forward to reading some exciting information Saveu. Good work!

    Best wishes,

